Retreat - April/MAy

Our sangha ("community") was visited by 5 monks and 4 nuns from Plum village. We together with these monastics organized a retreat focused on delving more deeply into mindfulness. Everyone who attended got to experience several different mindfulness exercises, community building and sharing of wisdom, as well as lovely food provided by Yoga bar.

Four lovely days

The retreat took place between the 28/4 in the evening and the 1/5 in the afternoon in 2023. So we got to share about 4 lovely and rewarding days together in the countryside outside of Ystad, namely at Tygegården.


Here all who attended were treated to the lovely scenery, to meditations led by the monastics, to the practice of mindful listening as well as mindful speaking in their dharma sharing groups,  partaking of wisdom from dharma talks, getting the opportunity to take the five mindfulness trainings, and a lot of other experiences.


The retreat was part of the monastics Wake Up tour of Europe.


We at Wake Up Lund want to thank everyone who participated and who helped us make this rewarding retreat possible.





Bjeringsborgsvägen 82

271 77 Löderup, Skåne



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