Walking meditation

Practice mindfulness while outside walking, experience how it really feels to be walking.

Meditation information

Time. Image created by Olle Claesson.


From 5 minutes to 30 minutes.

Tip: This meditation can be however long you decide.

Guided meditation. Image created by Olle Claesson.


This is often an un-guided meditation, but can also be guided.

Tip: If it feels right this meditation can switch between moments of silence and moments of being guided.

Position. Image created by Olle Claesson.

Body position:

This meditation is done standing and walking.

Tip: Walking slower helps you be more mindful.

Material. Image created by Olle Claesson.

Materials needed:

No additional material is needed for this meditation.

Tip: It is helpful to dress according to the weather if you are going to be outside for a while.

Mindful walking meditation

Introduce the meditation:

You are going to be walking and whilst walking you are to focus on what you experience. Explore every sensation that you can feel, like the feeling of different parts of the foot touching the ground, sensations in the muscles, or similar. In order to do so it is recommended to use your breath as an anchor, as soon as you notice that you have become distracted and lost your focus return to you breath. Then explore what it is like to be you at this moment, remember to do so mindfully and not lose yourself to thoughts or similar.


If guiding this meditation:

It is also possible to aid people in this process, by guiding them at times. You may encourage people to focus on their breath, notice certain sensations, or similar. Reminding them to be mindful in the here and the now.