Community nurturing

The Sangha (meditation group) is a community to help you to both meditate and to move forward on your own personal journey as you grow. In order to deepen the practice for our community, and for the community to continue to grow internally, some of our gatherings will be focused more towards those who have previously attended. In order to facilitate a deepened practice and allow us all to grow our friendship deeply.


This is one of those gatherings.
Only those who have attended the Sangha before can participate in these gatherings, as they often entail some more advanced meditation practices. The general structure of these gatherings is most often similar to the open meditations, with Check in / Weather rapport, Mindful meditation, Various mindful activity, and Dharma sharing. Although, how the practices are done or sometimes if they are done might be different. This is also good opportunity for those people in the Sangha who are not that used to facilitating meditations to have an opportunity to try it out.
For these events we will primary communicate the location via a signal group aimed towards people who have attended the Sangha regularly. If you want to be part of this signal group please get in contact with us and you will be added (or tell us during a sangha meeting).
It is important to respect the boundaries of both yourself as well as others in this space, you share and partake of the activities in a way that is right for you. Everything that others might share during the gathering stays in that space.

Practical info


We start at 18:30. Please be on time or a few minutes early (the door will be closed a few minutes after 18:30 in order to respect everyone's time). The event lasts until about 20:00.

The first two Wednesdays of the month, we will be welcoming anyone who wants to join, those who have attended before as well as newcomers to the practice. The remaining Wednesdays, the Sangha will be welcoming people who have attended the Sangha before.


Who is welcome?

Anyone aged 18-35 who have attended the Sangha before. If you are new to the Sangha, please attend one of the events aimed a newcomers (Meditation - Olle hosts or Meditation - Martin hosts). If you have any questions or want to be added to the signal group, contact us.



Free (this is a volunteer-led activity).


What do you need to bring

Yourself, nothing more, nothing less.

During the event we usually find ourselves sitting in a circle on the floor, seated on meditation cushions. If you have your own preferred cushion (or similar), feel free to bring it.


Event host


Feel in everything


Shifting, see the signal group.


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